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In store Purchases.

Every item is available for to purchase with in the store. Payment through card and cash is accepted.

Worldwide Delivery

For Ireland except Dublin, Shipping cost is 5 euros under 80 euros. And free over 50. Shipping will take 24-48 hours and can take more depending on weekends and holidays. It doesn’t include chilled items, frozen items and meat.

Dublin Delivery

 For Dublin, shipping is flat rate of 5.00 euros. And its same day delivery. It also include chilled items, frozen items and meat. But conditions are:

  1. With in 5 km from city centre, your order has to be equal or more than 80 euros.
  2. With in 10 km from city centre, your order has to be equal or more than 120 euros.
  3. With in 15-20 km from city centre, your order has to be equal or more than 180 euros.


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